Green Armor Solutions Identity Cues

Tuesday, February 20, 2007

First Bank Selects Green Armor Solutions for Online Banking Authentication

First Bank Selects Green Armor Solutions for Online Banking Authentication

Cites Green Armor’s Stronger Security and Better User Experience

CLAYTON, MO. and HACKENSACK, NJ – February 6, 2007 – First Bank, with nearly 200 branches in the United States and more than $10 billion in assets, announced today that it has selected Green Armor Solutions to implement two-factor and site/mutual authentication to secure First Bank’s online banking systems. First Bank reported that the selection followed an exhaustive process of comparing and testing authentication solutions from numerous leading vendors.

Green Armor Solutions will enable First Bank to strengthen authentication for online banking and to meet FFIEC security guidelines without sacrificing user friendliness, and without forcing First Bank’s customers to endure enrollment processes or extra steps during each login. The system will also provide simple, straightforward, and psychologically efficient site authentication, helping to protect First Bank’s customers from phishing scams and related fraud without requiring effort by end-users.

“Both the security and usability of our online banking channel are absolutely critical to us at First Bank,” remarked Michael Benney, Senior Vice President of Information Technology. “We thoroughly researched and compared authentication systems from numerous vendors before selecting Green Armor based on its unique strengths in the areas of both security and user-friendliness.”

Green Armor Solutions' Identity Cues™ series of enterprise software products leverages a combination of psychology and technology, thereby delivering a solution that is both more effective and easier to implement than alternative offerings. It stands out in its simplicity for users (users do not need to enroll, install any software, carry any devices, memorize any information, or perform extra steps during login), and its security (for example, offering multiple defenses against man-in-the-middle attacks as well as against next generation psychology-based attacks, both of which are beginning to surface as serious vulnerabilities in many authentication systems).

"We are excited to have been chosen as the authentication platform for First Bank, its affiliates, and its subsidiaries," said Shira Rubinoff, President of Green Armor Solutions. "First Bank’s due diligence during the vendor selection process demonstrates the significance it places on online banking, security, and customer satisfaction. The selection of Green Armor by such an institution highlights the superior nature of Green Armor’s technology and the true business value that our advantages bring to our customers.”

More information about Green Armor Solutions and its Identity Cues series of products can be found on the Green Armor Solutions web site at:

About Green Armor Solutions Inc.

Green Armor Solutions offers innovative solutions to information-security challenges facing today's businesses. Its Identity Cues series of products (all patent-pending) leverage a unique blend of psychology and technology to help deliver maximum security with maximum user convenience. They provide strong two-factor authentication (exceeding FFIEC and NCUA guidelines) as well as effective site authentication (mutual authentication) that protects against phishing, pharming, and online fraud, while allowing users to continue to enjoy the simple, comfortable user experience with which they are already familiar. Identity Cues products can help companies address security and privacy requirements as part of compliance initiatives for FFIEC/NCUA Authentication, HIPAA, and GLBA.

About First Bank

With over $10 billion in assets, First Bank is one of the largest privately owned banks in the United States. First Bank services customers throughout the United States, and operates nearly 200 branches in Missouri, Illinois, Texas and California.


Note: Green Armor Solutions Inc. does not update the contents of its press releases after the releases have been issued. As a result, information in a particular press release may not be accurate if read at a point in time subsequent to the initial release. Furthermore, to the extent that any press release contains information that is not historical fact, that information should be considered opinion or forward-looking.

Tampa Bay Federal Credit Union Selects Green Armor Solutions for Online Banking Authentication

Tampa Bay Federal Credit Union Selects Green Armor Solutions for Online Banking Authentication

Cites Green Armor’s Stronger Security and Better User Experience

TAMPA, FL and HACKENSACK, NJ – February 5, 2007 – Tampa Bay Federal Credit Union (Tampa Bay Federal), which has more than 40,000 online members, announced today that it has selected Green Armor Solutions™ to implement two-factor and site/mutual authentication to secure Tampa Bay Federal’s online banking systems. Tampa Bay Federal reported that the selection followed a thorough process of comparing authentication options from several vendors.

Green Armor Solutions will enable Tampa Bay Federal to strengthen authentication for online banking and to meet NCUA and FFIEC security guidelines without sacrificing user friendliness, and without forcing Tampa Bay Federal’s members to endure enrollment processes or extra steps during each login. The system will also provide simple, straightforward, and psychologically efficient site authentication, helping to protect Tampa Bay Federal’s members from phishing scams and related fraud without requiring effort by end-users.

“We at Tampa Bay Federal were looking to implement strong authentication for online banking without sacrificing the usability and user-friendliness that our members have grown to expect,” explained Cindy Walker, Executive Vice President and Chief Operating Officer. “We compared authentication systems from numerous vendors including Corillian and RSA-Passmark. Green Armor is clearly unique in its ability to deliver strong security with essentially no usability trade off; their psychology-based solution allows us to simultaneously enhance both security and user-friendliness.”

Green Armor Solutions' Identity Cues™ series of enterprise software products leverages a combination of psychology and technology, thereby delivering a solution that is both more effective and easier to implement than alternative offerings. It stands out in its simplicity for users (they do not need to enroll, install any software, carry any devices, memorize any information, or perform extra steps during login), and its security (for example, offering multiple defenses against man-in-the-middle attacks as well as against next generation psychology-based attacks, both of which are beginning to surface as serious vulnerabilities in many authentication systems).

"We are delighted to have been selected as the authentication platform for Tampa Bay Federal,” said Shira Rubinoff, President of Green Armor Solutions. "It is exciting to once again have been compared against other authentication systems and emerge as the only technology that can deliver greatly improved security without adversely impacting users.”

More information about Green Armor Solutions and its Identity Cues series of products can be found on the Green Armor Solutions web site at:

About Green Armor Solutions Inc.

Green Armor Solutions offers innovative solutions to information-security challenges facing today's businesses. Its Identity Cues series of products (all patent-pending) leverage a unique blend of psychology and technology to help deliver maximum security with maximum user convenience. They provide strong two-factor authentication (exceeding FFIEC and NCUA guidelines) as well as effective site authentication (mutual authentication) that protects against phishing, pharming, and online fraud, while allowing users to continue to enjoy the simple, comfortable user experience with which they are already familiar. Identity Cues products can help companies address security and privacy requirements as part of compliance initiatives for FFIEC/NCUA Authentication, HIPAA, and GLBA.

About Tampa Bay Federal Credit Union

Tampa Bay Federal Credit Union is a federally chartered credit union with nearly half-a-billion dollars in assets. Founded in 1935, Tampa Bay Federal offers financial services to individuals and businesses in the greater Tampa Bay area. Personal and business checking/savings, home loans, auto and personal loans, credit cards, business loans, financial planning, investments and insurance are all available at Tampa Bay Federal.


Note: Green Armor Solutions Inc. does not update the contents of its press releases after the releases have been issued. As a result, information in a particular press release may not be accurate if read at a point in time subsequent to the initial release. Furthermore, to the extent that any press release contains information that is not historical fact, that information should be considered opinion or forward-looking.

Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Green Armor: M.I.T.-Harvard Research Paper Underscores the Importance of Leveraging Psychology in the Design of Online Authentication Systems

Report Describes Ineffectiveness of Popular Authentication System Resulting From Failure to Adequately Address Human-Factors Issues

February 7, 2007 - Hackensack, NJ - Green Armor Solutions today noted that a research paper published on Sunday by researchers at M.I.T. and Harvard underscores the importance of Green Armor’s long-held claim that leveraging psychology in the design of a website-authentication system is critical in order to ensure the long-term effectiveness of the system.

The study, The Emperor’s New Security Indicators, describes the failure of a popular site-authentication system to adequately protect online banking users from phishing and Internet fraud during studies run by researchers last year.

Many of the concerns and tests described in the M.I.T.-Harvard paper were previously discussed and conducted in research performed by Green Armor Solutions’ founder Shira Rubinoff in 2004 and 2005, and much of the integral design of Green Armor’s Identity Cues series of products was created specifically to address issues such as those discussed in the M.I.T.-Harvard research.

“As described in the M.I.T.-Harvard study, and as published in Green Armor’s research findings, site-authentication vulnerabilities often stem from human weaknesses, not technological deficiencies,” noted Shira Rubinoff, Founder and President of Green Armor Solutions. “By properly leveraging psychology in the design of a product we can create authentication offerings that are more effective and more secure than the one discussed in the M.I.T.-Harvard report.”

Green Armor’s site-authentication technology, for example, offers numerous advantages over the system tested in the M.I.T.-Harvard study. Psychologically-sound visual cues are used to prove site authenticity instead of images (which are problematic for numerous reasons as described in the research reports authored by M.I.T.-Harvard and Green Armor). Green Armor’s patent-pending medium for achieving site authentication without requiring users to enroll or to undergo a multi-step login process, as well as its multiple defenses against man-in-the-middle attacks, are also important differentiators.

In addition, as opposed to the system mentioned in the study, the Green Armor system does not require the use of challenge questions, and, therefore, does not increase risks of Identity Theft by conditioning users to answer sensitive challenge questions over the Internet before they know the identity of the party asking the questions.

Furthermore, both Green Armor’s white paper (describing its research findings) and the M.I.T.-Harvard study discuss the problem of users not consciously paying attention to images used for site authentication; while such a phenomenon is a critical problem for most site-authentication systems, Green Armor’s technology utilizes several significant patent-pending design elements to help address this issue, and remains effective even if users do not make an active effort to check site validity.

More information about Green Armor Solutions and its Identity Cues series of authentication products which leverage psychology to deliver maximum security with maximum convenience can be found on the Green Armor Solutions web site at: .

About Green Armor Solutions Inc.

Green Armor Solutions offers innovative solutions to information-security challenges facing today's businesses. Its Identity Cues series of products (all patent-pending) leverage a unique blend of psychology and technology to help deliver maximum security with maximum user convenience. They provide strong two-factor authentication (exceeding FFIEC and NCUA guidelines) as well as effective site authentication (mutual authentication) that protects against phishing, pharming, and online fraud, while allowing users to continue to enjoy the simple, comfortable user experience with which they are already familiar. Identity Cues products can help companies address security and privacy requirements as part of compliance initiatives for FFIEC/NCUA Authentication, HIPAA, and GLBA.


Note: Green Armor Solutions Inc. does not update the contents of its press releases after the releases have been issued. As a result, information in a particular press release may not be accurate if read at a point in time subsequent to the initial release. Furthermore, to the extent that any press release contains information that is not historical fact, that information should be considered opinion or forward-looking.